What is Empowerment Self-Defense and Why Schools?

Empowerment Self Defense (ESD) is rooted in five core principles that empower educators and students alike, fostering resilience and inner strength. Our ESD curriculum equips learners with essential skills that safeguard their emotional and physical health. These lessons impart valuable knowledge, asserting that these skills are not confined to the classroom—they are life skills that students can confidently apply whenever their boundaries are challenged.

Schools serve as a critical environment for imparting ESD because they are at the heart of a student's formative years, where habits are formed and perspectives are shaped. Integrating ESD into the school curriculum does more than teach self-protection—it cultivates a culture of respect, consent, and boundary-setting. By equipping students with these skills within the supportive framework of their education, we lay the foundation for safer communities and foster individuals who are aware, assertive, and able to navigate the world with confidence.

Learn more about the work of Empowerment Self-Defense Global here: LINK



How It Started: Arise Story Part One