Getting Kids Active

We’ve all been told a million times that “being active is good for you”, but finding the time and energy can be challenging. The great thing is that once you get started, you will build momentum which means that it will get easier!

Here are three tips to help you and your family get active:

✨Keep it Fun - Physical activity doesn’t have to be a chore! Anything that gets the body moving and your heart pumping is great. Make a list of 3 fun activities you can try this week, eg. A walk to the shops, frisbee or yoga.

Active kids

✨Keep it Social - Kids are more likely to be active if their parent or caregiver is active too; make it a family routine. Sports are also a great way to make new friends and stay active. Plus, doing activities with friends is great for ones sense of connection and belonging AND is generally more fun.

✨Keep it Regular - Have you found some activities you enjoy?  It’s important to reinforce these new habits and develop your love for being active. Try adding some variation or some competition to keep going and build momentum. Try tracking your progress or making a plan that also includes rest and self-care.


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